Design-Build Services to furnish and install a 48-Inch Diameter Transmission Main for “Area N”
Year: 2016
Client: Miami Dade County Water and Sewer Department, Garney Companies (Prime Contractors)
Transmission Main
Design and Construction of approximately 6.0 miles and 15,308 LF of 48-inch diameter water transmission main to be constructed of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe [P.C.C.P). Along the route, approximately 712 LF of Micro-tunneling will be required for the 48″ diameter carrier pipe, inside a 72-inch Steel pipe, to cross under SR- 874 and CSX Railroad.
These changes reflect an alternate route proposed by the team to M-D WASD, which reduces the overall construction duration, further minimizes community impact, and lowers the cost for M-D WASD. Also, as part of the scope of work, a 16-inch D.I. force main will be installed along SW 127th Avenue, from SW 108th Street to SW 88th Street (Kendall Drive), to replace a 16-inch and 12-inch existing asbestos cement (A.C.) pipes. After installing the proposed force main, existing AC pipes will be abandoned.
The project includes coordination of survey, geotechnical services, utility coordination and coordinating with other agencies with ongoing projects within the project limits, review of as-builts, identification of utility conflicts, development of complete engineering plans, resurfacing, SP&M, MOT, construction specifications, shop drawing reviews, respond to RFl’s, plans review and revisions, QA/QC, As-Built Certification, and Project Close Out.
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