Installation of 54-Inch HDPE and PCCP Sewer along Euclid Avenue, Miami Beach


Year: 2017
Client: City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Dr, Miami, Beach, FL 33139

Sewer Installation

A proposed 54″ redundant sewer was implemented along Euclid Avenue in Miami Beach. It was a crucial component of the City of Miami Beach to improve the quality of service in this touristic area. The project covered three phases with extensive public outreach that consisted of weekly advisories, homeowner meetings, weekly meetings, and DMSl’s public information outreach notifications.

PHASE I: Installing a 54″ PCCP sewer running along Washington Ave from Commerce St to Commerce Ct. The scope of services for this project phase included designing and constructing approximately 191 LF of 54″ PCCP sewer by open-cut installation.

PHASE II: The installation of a 30″ ductile iron [DI) sewer at the intersection of 11th St and Meridian Ct. Then a proposed 36″ DI and 1,000 LF of 54″ PCCP sewer open cut Installation were installed along 11th St up to Meridian Avenue, where it connected to the third phase. Additionally, a 24″ FM was connected to pump station #1. As part of the scope of work, this section included the design and construction of 405 LF of different sizes of sewer mains. This section of the project was installed using the open-cut method.

PHASE Ill: The connection of the first and second phases. This phase installed a 54″ HOPE sewer along Euclid Avenue from 11th Street to Washington Avenue and along Washington Avenue from Euclid Avenue to Commerce Court. The scope of services for this section of the project included the design and construction of around 4,450 LF of 54″ HDPE sewer installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). A connection to Pump Station #31 was included in this phase.

“I see the future of the construction industry evolving from traditionally pen and paper, analog, phone call driven business to one that is purely digital.” — Bryan Clayton

Contact Us

2601 Wiles Road, Pompano Beach, FL 33073

2655 South Le Jeune Rd, Suite 545 Coral Gables 33134

(954) 977-3556