Port of Miami – 42-Inch Water Main; Twin 30-Inch Horizontal Directional Drill; 12-Inch Horizontal Directional Drill, 10-Inch Force Main

Year: 2017
Client: MDC Water and Sewer Department and
3575 S. LeJeune Rd, Miami, Florida

Pum Station Replacement

SCOPE OF WORK: The project consists of furnishing and installing approximately 9,740 LF of 42-inch DIP and fittings; 42-inch mechanical joint resilient seated wedge gate valve; Venturi meter, including valve and fittings, manhole frame and cover, valve box quick disconnect, and concrete support slab; making an inline connection to a proposed 36-inch water main at Biscayne Boulevard; approximately 260 LF of micro tunneling under existing FEC railroad right-of-way, with steel casing, drill shafts, and proposed area of construction; approximately 4,000 LF of twin 30-inch HDPE Water Main & 4,000 LF of twin 12-inch HDPE Force Main horizontal directional drilling subaqueous channel crossing along Biscayne Bay from Bayside to Port of Miami.

The replacement of Pump Station 9141, the existing 8-inch cast iron pipe force main that connects this pump station to the Department’s wastewater collection and transmission system.

Approximately 5,000 LF of a 10-inch replacement force main pipeline was installed between PS 9141 on the Port (Dodge Island) side to the point of connection on the mainland (City of Miami). This project includes furnishing and constructing air release valve assemblies; v-bio polyethylene encasement for ductile iron pipe and fittings; sheeting and shoring ordered left in place by the Engineer; additional suitable backfill; furnishing all materials, equipment, and supplies

necessary for cleaning, testing, and disinfecting the mains; removal of existing asphalt pavement and sod; including mobilization and demobilization, removal, transport, and legal disposal of demolition material; traffic control; pavement marking and pavement damage by construction and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work for a complete and fully functional installation.

The project was delivered on time, ahead of the massive Crew ships arriving at the Port of Miami for the first time.

"No job is so important and no service so urgent, that we cannot take time to do our job safely.” - AT&T Bell System Safety Creed

Contact Us

2601 Wiles Road, Pompano Beach, FL 33073

2655 South Le Jeune Rd, Suite 545 Coral Gables 33134

(954) 977-3556
