Sunset Islands I & II Neighborhood Improvements Project
Year: 2011
Client: City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Neighborhood Improvement
This neighborhood improvement project is in the City of Miami Beach with identical geological ground conditions and vehicular and pedestrian traffic maintenance as the proposed 54-inch Redundant Sewer Force Main on Euclid Avenue.
The projects comprised 10,800 LF of 8” water main, over 150 water services, and complete rewiring of the street lighting system. David Mancini & Sons’ crew coordinated with FPL for all utility conflicts, relocating their primary and secondary wiring. Several pipe taps at several locations tie the new water main to the old system. Stormwater collection and disposal consisted of 215 drainage structures, 9,578 LF of 15 through 24-inch drainage piping, and (7) outfalls to the bay, which required muck removal.
Site concrete work comprised harmonizing over 130 custom driveways (ranging from Marble slab to asphalt), 20,000 LF of valley gutter, and 23,000 square yards of road reconstruction. Limits for the pipe and structure excavation varied in depth from 5 to 12 feet; dewatering of trenches via pumps was utilized.
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